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After a year of coming to our Saturday Youth Street Teams, one of the surf girls made the well thought through decision to follow Christ today! This quarter at Youth Street Live we have been talking about different miracles Jesus did on earth. This young girl was really starting to see that the miracles that Jesus did in the Bible were already happening in her own life in different situations that worked out for the good. I asked her if she believed these stories from the Bible were true and she said "yes, they're amazing"! It was so cool to see her connect the dots and see how Jesus was already at work in her and her family's lives. Then I asked her if she wanted to really commit to following Jesus and becoming a Christian and she shook her head and said "yes". We prayed together and I explained a few things and encouraged her. It is such a privilege to work for the creator of the universe and guide people to be in relationship with their heavenly Father. It's a blessing to have a tool like Youth Street to be able to connect young people to Jesus and disciple them! Today on surf team we loaded the van full of young people at 7am and took a special trip to Bondi Beach in Sydney! We had a blast surfing, swimming, eating yummy food, sun bathing and exploring the skate park and beach! 

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